There is an issue with your submission

There is an issue with your inquiry!

You have checked a box on the Host Home Inquiry Form which indicates you may not be eligible to be a Host Home provider.

Possible issues with your submission:

Felon in the Household

You may have checked the box indicating you have been convicted of a felony or there is someone living in the household who has been convicted of a felony. In the states in which ResCare licenses host home providers, we do not allow anyone with a felony to become a provider nor can we place anyone in a home where a convicted felon resides.


High School Diploma Requirement

You may have checked the box indicating you do not have a high school diploma or equivalent degree. The states in which ResCare licenses host home providers require the provider have a high school diploma or equivalent degree.


Available Bedroom

You may have checked the box indicating you do NOT have an available bedroom for an individual in your care. A private room is required for placement and will be verified by an on-site inspection before and after placement.


Capable and Willing to Provide Care and Support to a Special Needs Individual in Your Home

The primary duty of a host home provider is to provider compassionate care and support to an individual with special needs within your home. If you did not check this box YES, we suspect you may be looking for something other to welcome an individual with special needs into your home.


If you have made a mistake in completing the form, please complete the form again and be certain to check the boxes accurately. And please be advised that every foster parent application will have a complete background check for the applicant and every adult who resides in the household, as well as an on-site visit to the home before placement as well as regular visits after an individual has been placed.

Thank you.