ResCare Community Living in Louisiana
ResCare in Louisiana has served clients in ICF and Home & Community-Based Services/Waiver homes for 36 years!
Our mission is to provide the right care – at the right time – in the safest environment possible. We believe that individuals of all abilities deserve to live their best life through community provided support. Our partnerships are based on mutual respect and a shared focus on quality, service excellence and empowerment. When you’re part of the ResCare Community Living family, you’ll understand why quality and character matters, as our priority is on the individuals receiving the essential support needed to succeed.
Quality and timely service is our trademark, but providing safe homes for all individuals receiving support is our passion.
We are currently serving almost 400 individuals across the state.
About Our HCBS/Waiver Homes
We operate three Day Programs located Lafayette, Lake Charles, and Hammond. Services are offered Monday-Friday and include supported employment and job development, assistance with daily living, activities, and food preparation.
The residents live in apartments with one to two individuals per apartment, with a max of four residents.
We provide Supported Independent Living services where we assist with bill payment, ensure all medical appts are attended, and help with money management.
We provide periodic to 24-hour care.
Row waiver and Now Waiver are the two waivers we currently are licensed for.
ICF Homes
The Intermediate Care Facility homes include males and females and some, but not all, are wheelchair accessible. Each home supports between six to eight individuals. Some homes have double bedrooms and others are single bedrooms.
Why ResCare Community Living?
We are dedicated to providing the right care – at the right time – in the safest environment possible. Each person we support receives individualized care tailored to their unique needs and abilities. We provide a quality of life for every individual that we serve.