Community Alternatives of North Carolina
Explore Community Living Services in North Carolina
Community Alternatives North Carolina provides an array of services to individuals who need assistance with daily living due to developmental, cognitive, or intellectual disabilities, and dual diagnoses. While specific services vary by location, Community Alternatives contracts with all six Local Management Entities (LMEs) to provide Innovations Waiver, B3, TBI, in lieu of State and ICFIDD services.
Home & Community-Based Services
Our Home & Community-Based Services are focused on helping individuals stay in their personal homes with quality home-based therapy and treatment rather than moving to a Group Home. Individuals can choose services they need that best fit their unique abilities.
Adult Foster Care / Host Home
We specialize in matching the people we serve to dedicated and caring Host Home providers. Our program provides a nurturing and family-like environment, community involvement, personal care and support, and close relationships with care providers.
Intermediate Care Facilities
For the person residing in an ICF we strive to promote individual independence and provide 24-hour care that may include nursing care, intensive medical care, as well as opportunities for group development and social interaction, and more.
Group Homes
Each Group Home is staffed 24/7 and meals are served in common areas, providing residents with an opportunity for social interaction and camaraderie. This setting allows individuals to live their life to the best of their abilities while being cared for and assisted as needed.
Health & Behavioral Services
Each individual is provided with a customized program tailored to meet their individual needs. Our goals for the people we serve include improving quality of life, increasing independence, easing caregiver burden, and more.
Periodic & Supported Living Services
This service is ideal for individuals living in a home with a caretaker, family member, or loved one and require additional assistance to have their needs met. Assistance includes help with daily living activities, community activities, and more.
Supported Employment & Job Placement
Job development is an essential element of our program and includes matching each individual for a job or position that is best suited to their abilities and the needs of the business.
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Care Management in North Carolina
Care Management services provide individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities a single designated Care Manager. The Care Manager works with each individual, guardians, family members and members of the individuals’ multidisciplinary team on an integrated care approach.
Learn More about Care Management