Tommy J.’s Story
Tommy Jarboe moved into a supported living site in November 2022, becoming close friends with his two roommates and participating in many activities with them. Tommy has gained independence in several different areas since then.
Tommy has a better understanding of finances and money management as well as a better understanding of his surroundings and how to address different situations. He has gained confidence in his decision-making skills and doesn’t rely on others to make decisions for him. Tommy has gained knowledge of street and community safety and enjoys taking walks to Club House and other community destinations.
Tommy has enjoyed being able to experience different cultures by traveling to different states. He has enjoyed vacationing in Memphis, TN, and Los Angeles, CA, with exceptional getaways, and he has also been on a family vacation to Florida. He has attended many different concerts, the most recent being JaRule and Janet Jackson.
Tommy prides himself on being able to purchase needed and desired items. He has recently been able to purchase new furniture for his home as well as new clothes and sneakers, and he is saving money for future vacations and activities. Recently, Tommy has purchased a bearded dragon, which helps to decrease his stress. Tommy independently cares for his pet and is excited to start this journey.
Tracey Miller has been an employee with ResCare for 23 years. During her time with the company, she has been a Group Home Manager and a Waiver Direct Support Lead. She worked with Tommy when he was residing in his previous home and is now the Direct Support Lead over his current waiver home.
Tommy stated that Tracey has played a major role in assisting him with his independence and confidence. He says, “Tracey has advocated for me to have alone time to explore my community independently. She has assisted me with finding new activities that will be lifelong memories. She has helped me save money for future vacations and items that I want.”
Tommy has built some amazing relationships with his housemates and other individuals that will last a lifetime. He is eagerly awaiting the arrival of an additional roommate and cannot wait to continue to grow and thrive in the waiver setting.