Henry, Nate, and Karon’s Story

January 27, 2025 Filed under: Uncategorized

Karate helps individuals with intellectual disabilities by improving focus, enhancing self-confidence, and offering a structured environment for learning and growth. We are excited to have three of our individuals, Henry, Nate, and Karon, in Tri Star Marital Arts class in association with River Valley Special Recreation.

By attending karate classes, they are improving their physical health and boosting their self-esteem through the emotional stability and discipline provided.

When asked what they like about the class, Henry stated, “I think its really fun.” Karon stated, “I get to learn something new.” Nate stated, “If I keep going, I will be a black belt soon.” The individuals work on utilizing upper body techniques and visual aids and following simple instructions. Participating in the class decreases their overall stress and allows opportunities to engage in community inclusion.

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