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Kevin’s Story

July 17, 2023 Filed under: Uncategorized

This July marks 15 years that Kevin Horton has received 24/7 services at the Brownwood, TX, operation. Kevin joined us in July 2008 in one of the last large ICF facilities in Texas at that time. He received the opportunity to transition into waiver services and moved into his first residential home in 2011.

Kevin has several hobbies including fishing and creating colorful lures. As his staff worked with him on socializing and becoming more comfortable in the community, Kevin expressed interest in obtaining employment. He got his first job working on a lawn care crew. Kevin worked with that crew for several years until he decided he needed a change. He wanted to do more and was ready to socialize more, so he transitioned to a new job at Taco Bell in 2019. Kevin then requested to move to a larger town with more opportunities, and eventually moved to a new waiver home in Abilene, TX, in August 2020. After the move, Kevin enrolled in NeeCee’s Barber School on October 15, 2020, and graduated on June 12, 2021.

Kevin missed his friends, however, and transferred back to Brownwood, TX, in 2021, moving into the host home setting. He has been with this family ever since and is thriving in his community. Kevin has not taken the state exam for barbers yet, as he is still practicing to ensure he can pass. When the movie theater reopened after COVID-19, Kevin began working there in early 2022. He has been happy there ever since. He has multiple jobs including running the concession stand, cleaning, and working at the cash register. Kevin has come a long way in adapting to the community, socializing, and developing relationships with friends and family.

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