ResCare Community Living Celebrates Five ANCOR DSP of the Year Award Winners
ResCare Community Living is proud to announce that five Direct Support Providers (DSPs) have received the DSP of the Year award from the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR). ANCOR’s DSP of the Year winners are selected for going above and beyond to provide exemplary service in the profession. DSPs – also called caregivers, personal assistants and direct care or homecare aides – provide daily support services for people with disabilities. The care they provide is essential and the impact of their work was felt even more during the pandemic.
ANCOR received hundreds of nominations highlighting DSPs from across the nation. Nominees were judged on the work they’ve accomplished to build social networks, substantive community participation and advocating for the people they serve. ANCOR then honors the exceptional DSPs with the Recognition Award for exemplary work in furthering community inclusion and full participation for individuals living with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities. Here are the ResCare Community Living employees who earned state DSP of the Year recognition.
Click on their names to learn more about each of them: